Well, let me tell you about the events of this last week and how this all came down to start with...
On Wednesday's we get a paper in the mail sorta like the news paper but not as big, not really a shopper either.
So I get an email from Dustin stating he found a Beagle for $50 or $60 dollars and he has $27 or $25. Wants to know if he can earn more? I told him that we would talk about it when I got home because I was busy at work. So in the mean time he picks up the phone and calls the owner of the dogs and finds out all the information he knows I'm gonna want.
When I get home he starts asking me a million questions. I told him we would have to wait and talk to Ronnie and see what he thought because I didnt know if it would be a good thing or not. While waiting to talk to Ronnie since he is at work in Nebraska, he sends his Granny Cissy an email.... this is part of the conversation....
Dustin: Granny I need to earn $30 dollars please.
Granny: So Do I!
Dustin: What? I found a Beagle and he is 50.00 I only got $27 or $25.
Granny: I'm at school talk later...
Dustin: I'm not trying to be Greedy or rude, but you know I can't get Pepe or Star back. And I need a new best friend. I will do whatever you need me too.
NOTE: Granny and Papa's car had just been put in the shop during this conversation. By the end of the last message, Granny told Papa he was gonna have to find a friend to ride with or walk. Wouldn't hurt him it was close. LMAO! She told me, by this time she was ready to go sell the house so he could have his dog. When I got home he already had everything lined out.
I told him that we didn't have a fence.... I came home to this.....! So there blows that excuse. He had went in the small wooded area behind our housing addition and acquired some thrown away fencing. TWO ROLLS! Please remember, this child is only 12.
So again I tell him I am waiting to talk to Ronnie when he isn't so tired at night.
He then proceeds the next day to call the owner of the puppies and ask him if he can hold them till Friday so he can see if he can earn enough money. The man tell's him yes! He then picks up the phone and calls my LANDLORD and works out a deal to pay out the pet deposit. (He's really serious isn't he). When I get home he has a not for me that states everything he did. Because I have school at night and by time I get home he is in bed. Again, I have not talked to Ronnie.... that evening I talked to Ronnie. He being the level head of the bunch says to me.... We dont' have a PROPER fence and he's not home to help put it up. He also says that Dustin should wait till Dustin can be at home during the day to work with him, because as a baby dont need to be shut up all day while we are at school and work. I AGREE! Needless to say when I relayed all the information to Dustin, it didn't go over very well. However, he didn't say another word about it.
Saturday comes along and Rosalee and Raegan come over for Dustin's B-day Party. Plans fell apart because all the pools in the area are closed. We foudn one in Burkburnette that was opened and we pile everyone in the cars and head that way. Told them between 2 and 3. We arrive at 2:30 and it is all locked up. UGG! So home we head......
The kids decided they like playing outside..... (whole other story.. will post in a bit). So Rosalee and I sit outside with the kids while they play talking. Our conversation truns to the puppy and Dustin. While talking Dustin comes and says this neighbor guy wants to give him a dog kennel. So we tell him to go check. By this time the guy decides he can sell for $60.00. ...........>
Rosalee and the kids go off to check on it and she comes back and her and my mom and I all start making plans. I call to check if they still have pups and they do. So we load the kids up and away we all head to Oklahoma to look at the pups..... I'm sure you can guess what happens.
We examine the puppies and talk to the man who has the pups and at the end of our time there, we all agree on taking one home. Dustin ask the man how much and he replies by saying: "How much do you have? I hear you have worked very hard, so that you could have one?" Dustin then replies: "Yes Sir!". The man say's "I am gonna make you a deal", and disappears into his barn. When he returns he has a puppy shot in his hand and informs us that this would make his second shot. We all say thank you! As we get ready to leave the man hands Dustin $20.00 of the money he just paied for the dog back and tells him to use it for dog food and the remaning two parvo shots he needs. Dustin smiles and shakes his hand and says thank you and away we head. Since coming hom
e, I dont think that the puppy has been able to walk on his own, because Dustin and Raegan and my nieces and nephew have done nothing but carry him. This is the shot I took this morning while everyone was asleep. Please keep in mind that his grandmothers have given him a dog cage for him to sleep in, a big dog pillow which he loves.
NOTE: The pillow that the puppy is laying on is actually the dog pillow that BELONGS in the FLOOR!
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