Skittles is keeping close watch over her new colt.

"Life is not measured by the number of breath's that we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away"
"Cowgirl UP"
Posted by Robin at 4:53 AM 0 comments
Labels: Animals, baby, colt, Electra Texas, Farm, Horses, life, paint
This was a wonderful weekend. Ronnie and his mom and sister and the kids and I got to go camping up in the Wichita Mountains for the weekend. Only thing missing was Raegan. She was suppose to be here for the weekend, but she was really sick. (MISSED YOU RAEGAN)!!!!
However, we spent the weekend camping out and playing in the mountains. Where our campsite was, the beach was about 10 yards in front of us. The pics of the birthday message in the sand was for Wenona and I from Dustin, Michael and Madi. Such a wonderful birthday card. I LOVED IT! That evening we got to cook out and watch the amazing sunset over the mountains. It was a pefect weekend!
Posted by Robin at 7:16 PM 0 comments
OK! To the stalker I've had watching me wanting to see what I'm doing.... I have tried my hardest to tell you I know who you are. But I guess your not that smart and obviously cant read because your still there. So here are the rules:
1. I COULD CARE LESS WHETHER YOUR WATCHING OR NOT. (I am truly flattered you dont have anything better to do that spend your time with me).....
2. COWGIRL UP! Put your BIG GIRL panties on and DEAL WITH LIFE! ( In english: GET OVER IT)... time to move on.
3. If you can't understand Rule 1 or 2 see rule 4.
4. GET A FREAKING LIFE OF YOUR OWN! Any future issues just email me. BE A BIG GIRL!
To those of you who may see this, and just stoppin by to say hi or see what life is doing in Wichita Falls, please continue to stop by. We just happen to have one RAT in the wood pile who seems that life has nothing better than to follow me and see what dirt she might be able to find. She seems consumed with something she has no control over and instead of moving on and accepting life wants to make life for other Miserable. However what she dont realize is she is the miseable one and needs to grow up. After all these years and still comsumed with bitterness. She ought to count her blessing and be thankful that the ones in her life are there instead of trying to push them away. Instead of thinking about herself, she might ought to think about those that are more important... But since she is so consumed with bitterness and revenage I guess she is to busy to see what is truly important.
Off to Electra to spend the day having fun with kids and family.... Hope all are having a wonderful Spring Break!
Posted by Robin at 8:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bitterness, hate, revenage, Spring Break
Posted by Robin at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Electra Texas, Wildfires
Ok! So I wake up and find a comment to moderate this morning. Someone didn't take to kindly to the COWBOY 10 Commandments. They wanted to give me some long drawn out speach about our creator and abunch of stuff.
Dude! Pay attention... In case you dont understand "COWBOY", aka TEXAS talk, these are our Creators Commandments. They just happened to be posted the way people use to talk 100 yrs ago in the wild open west. So chill!
Posted by Robin at 5:23 AM 1 comments
Labels: Cowboy 10 Commandments, Cowboys